Monday, February 2, 2009

Interspecies Collaboration

Lisa Jevbratt
"Online Participatory Research to Interspecies Collaboration:
Creating New Understandings of the World Through Artistic Collaborations"

Thursday, February 5, 2009, 6:45 p.m.

Ontario College of Art & Design
Auditorium, 100 McCaul Street | 416-977-6000

All are welcome to attend, and admission is free.

Lisa Jevbratt is Associate Professor at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Her work, ranging from Internet visualization software to biofeedback and interspecies collaboration, is concerned with collectives and systems, the languages and conditions that generate them, and the exchanges within them. Her projects explore alternative, distributed and unintentional collaborations and the expressions of the collectives they create.

Jevbratt will discuss her online participatory art projects and her exploration of "interspecies collaboration," including her current project, "ZooMorph," a series of Adobe Photoshop plug-in filters that simulate how a large selection of animals see, generating pictures that allows viewers to experience the world through the eyes of another species. At the core of interspecies collaboration is an urge to become an intellectual, emotional and spiritual partner with the species around us in the quest for a sustainable environment.

Media inquiries:
Sarah Mulholland, Media & Communications Coordinator, OCAD , 416-977-6000 Ext. 327 (mobile Ext. 1327)

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